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Contents preface iii 1 introduction to database systems 1 2 the entity-relationship model 5 3 the relational model 14 4 relational algebra and calculus 23 5 sql: queries, programming, triggers 40 6 query-by-example (qbe) 56 7 storing data: disks and files 65 8 file organizations and indexes 72 9 tree-structured indexing 75 10 hash-based indexing 87 11 external sorting 105. Hierarchical Database Model, as the name suggests, is a database model in which the data is arranged in a hierarchical tree edifice. As it is arranged based on the hierarchy, every record of data tree should have at least one parent, except for the child records in the last level, and each parent should have one or more child records.
Keynotes: Available On Demand
Focus Sessions: October 27-29
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